It’s #FrankieMonth!
This year we’re doing a new kind of global Shim Sham for Frankie Manning’s birthday. This time, it’s going to be a relay!
No matter where you are in the world on 26 May 2020, at 8pm *your* time it’s Shim Sham time!
We invite you to join in.
Create a virtual Shim Sham party with your community or dance on your own at 8pm your time.
Post a video, tag it with #ShimShamRelay and #HappyBirthdayFrankieManning and share with the world!
Let’s flood social media!
The first Shim Sham will start 8pm UTC+12 in New Zealand and one hour later move on to the the next time zone, and so on and so on!
Organizers and schools, you can create your own events and invite your own students to join in, at 8pm YOUR time, post your videos for the whole lindy world to see!
See you at 8pm/20:00 your time on Tuesday 26 May 2020!
If you would like to share a photo on social media, the following image size works for both Facebook and Instagram:

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