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FMF Volunteer Fabrício speaks about the #IamFrankieManning project


Hi, my name is Fabrício.

I am an incurable optimist. I love a good cup of coffee and all forms of art.

I have been a Lindy hopper for a few years and I love to dance. This is something that defines me in recent years. I believe that when we surrender to the music and accept our dance Partner with open-heart we turn into a better version of ourselves.

I am lucky to be a founding member of BeHoppers, who spreads the joy of dancing lindy hop in Brazil. As part of this work, I began to research and write articles about jazz and dance that only increased my passion. 


I decided to be a volunteer for Frankie Manning Foundation because it is great to be part of something bigger than you that is helping to change people through dance. I also feel proud to connect our small but enthusiastic local scene the world community of lindy hop.

The idea of #IamFrankieManning project is to create a symbolic bond between all of us and Frankie. Within each Rockstep or swingout we do, has a little Frankie. Therefore, we invite everyone to take the place of Frankie in a photo with the same joy and enthusiasm he has always shown.

Together, let´s make the Frankie Manning 2015 anniversary campaign – Frankie Month – the best in the world.


Fabrício Martins


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